Legal Notice
This website is owned by BAUNERJA SL and its content has an informative nature of the services and products provided by this, as well as provide users with information about them requested through the appropriate forms, sending us your opinion and suggestions. The user can book the services offered in Nerja Sea Gardens, all in accordance with the policy on data production that is detailed in the privacy policy of this website and the general conditions of contracting contained in the corresponding section. The fact of accessing this website implies knowledge and acceptance of the following terms and conditions of use of its content, as well as acceptance of the established policy on data protection when providing personal data of their own or third parties, and attributes the status of the user of the portal and access to it implies acceptance without reservation.
Ownership of the website domain name,, is registered to BAUNERJA SL with CIF B93232569
The registered office is established, for the purposes of this Legal Notice, Calle El Barrio nº48 Nerja, 29780.
You can contact us at the following email address: